a BBC-esque lack of political bias if you will ...
but it is a balance that does not occupy the same space in my more personal conversations, actions and prayers.
I suspect the BBC finds itself in a similar difficulty over the 'broadcast or not' debate.
I rather think there is a the conflcit between the percieved public necessities of the corportation and many personally held convictions by those witin the organisation.
Personally I think the BBC (and Sky) are wrong on this one
(there were politics and conflict underlying many another humanitarian disaster and DEC appeal) but instead of pointing the finger and accusing them of beleiving one thing in private and doing another in public (no matter how good the intentions are behind the decision) ...
instead of that, I am going to look a little closer at myself
examine the differneces between my public and private convicitons
and start to put my own house in order.
In the meantime You can donate to the DEC Gaza Crisis Appeal at http://www.dec.org.uk by calling 0370 6060900 , or at any Oxfam, Red Cross, Save the Children or Islamic Relief shop, high-street bank or post office.
Comments to the BBC about its decision may be made here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/complaints_stage1.shtml