Thursday 19 February 2009

Irish and proud of it ... most of the time.

Details of how police in the Irish Republic finally caught up with the country's most reckless driver have emerged. He had racked up stacks of speeding tickets and parking fines ... (I wondered if he was our mystery driver from the February 7th blog entry) ... because every time the serial offender was stopped ... he evaded justice by giving officers a different address.

But then the Garda discovered a monumental error ... the man they were looking for - a Mr Prawo Jazdy - wasn't some rally driver wannabe with a death wish and an Eastern European passport ...
in fact he wasn't even a person ...
"Prawo Jazdy'' is the Polish for 'driving licence'

Once the Garda made this breakthrough in crime detection they checked to see if (perchance) the same thing had happened before.

It had
over 50 times.

Ah ... it makes you proud to be from the Emerald Isle.
shattering stereo-types wherever we go!
PS thanks to Ben for the story

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