Saturday 7 February 2009

Just as Strong but Smaller

Anyone following Mark's gospel this year will probably have been recommended Ched Myers monumental work Binding the Strong Man. But monumental it is ... 400 pages plus. So, enter this wonderful book ... not so monumental ... more statuesque ... but well worth the read if you want some help getting to grips with the subversive nature of Mark's work.

An ecumenical team led by Ched Myers has produced an incisive and easy to follow commentary that is broken down into different sections of Jesus' ministry. Each section begins with a contextual introduction and then some detailed analysis. Of great help to preachers out there, each section ends with suggested implications for living as disicples of Christ in our contemporary world. Only problem is ... if you come to Calvary Baptist Church in Cardiff and you've read it ... you might begin to find you recognise bits of the sermon!

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