Sunday, 21 June 2009

Evangelical Universalists

Following on from a previous (Chicken and Egg) post earlier this month, and thanks to all who commented, the conversation with some members of my church continues and has led me to this blogging spot of theological reflection:
and the book 'The Evangelical Universalist.'

I hate labels for people, so getting two for the price of one, even two so seemingly incongruous as the title of the book, has got my attention, if not yet my agreement. I haven't read the work of Mr Gregory MacDonald, (whoever he may be), it slipped past my radar when it came out a few years ago. Apologies to those for whom this will be old hat, but it's all on order now, along with some other recent publications which will have to fight for their place in the reading queue, but i guess my initial reaction is to the very fact that he felt he needed to publish under a 'pen name' ... surely says something (and it can't be good) about the character of our theological reflection within the evangelical movement?

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